
You use the People package to maintain employee-related data as well as to enter and process hours and expenses. The costs that result from this process are booked to Project, Manufacturing, Service, and Financials.

After the appropriate master data is defined, users can perform the following:

  • Enter hours/expenses
  • Enter budgets (optional)
  • Approve hours/expenses (optional)
  • Process hours/expenses
  • Update budgets with actual hours (optional)
  • Archive hours/expenses

After hours are registered, you can approved and process them. Actual hours can then be compared with budgeted hours.

You use Master Data to register employee information and codes that are used for general hours and expenses. You can also register information about roles, skills, rates, and surcharges.

  • Using hours accounting

    People facilitates or supports the following:

    • Quick access to and easy registration of hours (manually).
    • Automatic registration of hours using backflushing.
    • Retrieval of tasks from assignments.
    • Time recording

      Direct Time Recording setting in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session

    • Global update of hours by employees or team leaders.
  • Distributing team hours

    You can register hours for a team and distribute the hours equally among the individual members. You can specify either the total hours or specify the hours per day.

  • Working time schedules

    For a single employee or a team, you can use working time schedules to distribute actual hours for a task by generating hours lines for a period range.