Demand forecasting in Enterprise Planning

Enterprise Planning offers demand-forecasting functionality for items and item/channel combinations.

The demand-forecasting functionality in Enterprise Planning includes forecast-consumption logic: forecasts are gradually filled in (consumed) by actual demand. During supply planning, actual demand and nonconsumed demand-forecast quantities are taken into account.

Demand forecasting and forecast consumption are available for master planning as well as for order planning.

Demand-forecasting techniques

Enterprise Planning works with three categories of forecasts:

  • Demand forecast
  • Extra demand
  • Special demand

If a plan item does not have an item master plan, only special demand is available. In this case, you can manually enter forecasts in the Special Demand by Item (cpdsp2100m000) session.

If you maintain an item master plan for an item, all types of forecasts are available. Together, they form the item's demand plan. In this case, you can obtain a demand forecast in the following ways:

  • Enter the data manually
  • Calculate from demand history
  • Copy from sales budgets
  • Download forecasts from an external application