Generating suppliers by site

The Generate Suppliers by Site (tdipu0290m200) session is used to create supplier data by site and by item. This is a preparatory step needed to create resources of type Supplier. Suppliers can be defined at several levels. Only suppliers by item and by site can be turned into resources.

The supplier data is created from the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session and copied to the Items - Purchase Business Partner by Site (tdipu0190m000) session.

Using the Generate Suppliers by Site (tdipu0290m200) session

In the Generate Suppliers by Site (tdipu0290m200) session, you can specify the range of production sites for which to generate the supplier data.

In the Based on group box, you can specify the ranges of buy-from business partners, ship-from business partners and items on which the supplier data is to be based.

In the Skip before Date field, you can specify a date. Suppliers that are expired before that date are not used to create supplier data by site.