Processing instructions

You can maintain processing instructions for an employee group using the Processing Instructions (bpxtm0160m000) session. These instructions are used to adjust time in the actual attendance or to split the working hours based on the rules and regulations of the organization. Each processing instruction has one or more rules to process the actual attendance in working hours.

The processing instructions are defined in a sequence, as the result of one processing instruction is used as input for the subsequent processing instruction.

Processing instructions can be executed at different times with a focus on different time frame. The time frame can never be more than an attendance period or start and end date of an attendance period.

  • Includes daily data such as the normal and overtime hours for a day.
  • Weekly data based on the period specified in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session.
  • Attendance period
  • Generate attendance planning
  • Generate attendance periods
  • Generate attendance
  • Change status of an attendance period

Examples of processing instructions

These are the scenarios where the processing instruction can be used to adjust actual attendance depending upon the company’s policies:

  • When an employee reports more than 10 hours on a day, this can be split into 8 hours of normal working hours and 2 hours of overtime, depending upon the company’s policy.
  • When an employee clocks-out after 22:00 PM on Monday and before 8:00 AM on Tuesday, then a remark is created. It indicates that the employee got very less time to rest. (This is applicable to very specific countries)
  • When an employee reports more than 12 hours on a day, this can be split into 8 normal hours, 2 overtime hours and the rest to illegal overtime. And a remark must be created for the illegal overtime hours.