Print Session Information (ttstpsessinfo)

Use this session to print the following information per session:

  • The current package combination and the associated package VRCs.
  • The session code with description and corresponding VRC.
  • The code of the program script (if any) with description and VRC.
  • The used functions in the linked program script.
  • The corresponding forms and reports of the session with VRC code and description.
Package Comb.

A combination of several different packages with specific VRCs. A package combination represents a complete usable version of LN.

In the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session, each user is linked to a package combination, that determines which version of the software the user can use. In the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session, each company is linked to a package combination, to indicate which version of LN is appropriate to handle the data in that company.

Package Comb.

The description or name of the code.


The session code for which you want to print session information.


The description or name of the code.