Cleanup Batches (ttrpi3200m000)

Use this session to cleanup batches.

The session contains a selection on batches, document types, companies and batch status. When a batch is deleted, all underlying children (documents, distributions, destinations) are deleted.

Preview Batches

If this check box is selected, preview batches will be deleted.

If this check box is cleared, preview batches are preserved.

Completed Batches

If this check box is selected, completed batches will be deleted.

If this check box is cleared, completed batches are preserved.

Canceled Batches

If this check box is selected, canceled batches will be deleted.

If this check box is cleared, canceled batches are preserved.

Ignore Retention Time

If this check box is selected, all completed batches are removed, regardless the retention period which is defined for the document type.

Include Overlays

If this check box is selected,, overlays are added to the rendered document.

If this check box is cleared, the plain rendered PDF is preserved.

Include Addendum Documents

If this check box is selected, addendum documents are preserved.

If this check box is cleared, the plain rendered document of the main document is preserved.

Preserve Rendered Documents

If this check box is selected, the rendered documents of the completed batches will be preserved.

If you select this check box, the Destination Folder and Filename fields are enabled.

Destination Folder

A folder on the server where the documents are stored. You can specify a full folder path, which is created automatically when it does not exist.


This table shows the placeholders that you can use in this field:

Placeholder Substituted with
$company The company number of the batch
$doctype The document type code of the batch
$batch The batch ID in the format startDate_ID. Start date will be in ISO-8601 format without ‘:’.

Example: 2013-03-26T144315+0100_1


The format in which the documents are stored.

This field can contain placeholders.


This table shows the placeholders that you can use in this field:

Placeholder Substituted with
$document The document ID
$keyword1 The value of the keyword1 variable of the document
$keyword2 The value of the keyword2 variable of the document
$keyword3 The value of the keyword3 variable of the document
$keyword4 The value of the keyword4 variable of the document
$extension Based on the mime type of the document.