Report Rule (ttrpi2520m100)

Use this session to maintain rule properties, variables, and design codes. The session fields are all described at the Report Rules (ttrpi2520m000) session.


A report code as it is defined in the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session.


A unique identification of the report rule. A report can have multiple rules; one of rules will be applied during the document preparation phase.

Is Default

Select this check box if this report rule is the default one. The default is selected if none of the other report rules satisfy the conditions in their conditional expression.

Condition Expression

A boolean expression. If the expression is true, this rule is used. The Text Manager is started to edit the condition expression. This is not possible for the default report rule.

Document Type

The document type the documents are linked to when this report is printed.

Report Server

The report server, which must be used for rendering the report. If this field is left empty, the classic LN report design is used. The report server can be of type Infor Reporting or Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

Render Format

The format to which the report will be rendered.

Allowed values

  • PDF

    The result of the rendering will be a PDF file.

  • Excel

    The result of the rendering will be an Excel file. Note that in this case you are limited in the options that can be used to enhance the document with overlays and files to be merged.

Convert to PDF/A-3B

Select this check box to convert the rendered PDF documents to PDF/A before they are stored.

We recommend that you use overlay, and merge PDF documents in the correct format, that is, PDF/A-3B. This is to prevent rendered PDF documents from not being fully PDF/A-3B compliant.


The orientation of the pages of the report. This field can only be used if the report server is left empty. For external reporting the orientation is determined by the report design.

Allowed values

  • Portrait

    The result will be a portrait report.

  • Landscape

    The result will be a landscape report

Distribute as

Indicates whether the document is distributed as a main document or as an addendum.

Allowed values

Main Document

Select this option for the main document report rule.


Select this option for addendum document report rules.

Not Applicable
Relative Position

Indicates whether the addendum is distributed before or after the main document.

Allowed values


The addendum document is distributed before the main document; the addendum document is either merged into the main document file before the main document content, or it is added as attachment before the main document.


The addendum document is distributed after the main document.

Not Applicable

The order of the addendum documents in the distribution.

The ordering of the addendum documents is merged with the ordering of the attachments defined for the document type. If the ordering is the same, an addendum document precedes a document type attachment.

Separate File

If this check box is selected, the addendum document is distributed as a separate file.

If this check box is cleared, the addendum document is merged into the main document file.

Embedded Attachment

If this check box is selected, the addendum document is distributed as an attachment inside the main document file.

If this check box is cleared, the addendum document is distributed in one of these ways:

  • If Separate File is selected, the addendum document is distributed as a separate file.
  • If Separate File is cleared, the addendum document is merged into the main document file.
Sign Document

Indicates whether the document must be digitally signed.

Signature Level

The signature level.

Allowed values


A basic digital signature


Similar to B-level, but with a trusted timestamp


Similar to T-level, but with long term data


Similar to LT-level, but with an additional archive timestamp signature

Digest Algorithm

The digest, also called a ‘hash’, algorithm that is used for creating the signature.

Signature Container

The signature container. Not applicable if the render format is PDF.

Allowed values


Simple container. A single file is associated with a signature or timestamp.


Extended container. Multiple signatures or timestamps can be present.
