Deployments by Package Combination (ttocm0111m000)

Use this session to maintain deployments.


These options are available:

Deployed Actions
Starts the Deployed Actions (ttocm0112m000) session.
Validates the deployment against the current package combination. Validation is only possible if the package combination of the deployment is compatible with the current package combination.
Validate Upgrade
Starts the Validate Deployment Upgrade (ttocm1211m000) session. This session validates if the upgrade will not be blocked by checked-out objects for table records that will not be included in the new deployment.
Converts the selected deployment to runtime. The deployment becomes available for all users that use the linked package combination.

Automatically, the changes to the involved tables are converted to runtime and the tables are reconfigured.

The status of the deployment is set to Active.

A dump of the linked model and the deployment is created in the file system:

  • The model is dumped in: ${BSE}/lib/models/model.[Model ID].xml
  • The deployment's package combination is dumped in: ${BSE}/lib/models/deployment.[Package Combination].xml

If an Active deployment for the same package combination exists, that deployment is replaced. The status of that “old” deployment changes to Replaced.

If you activate a deployment, the deployment is validated, including the table sharing. If a physical table is shared by multiple companies, for all these companies the actions must be the same for the object types that use the table. The package combination of the deployment must be compatible with the current package combination.

Use this command to undo the conversion to runtime of the selected deployment. The deployment becomes unavailable for all users that use the linked package combination. The status of the deployment is set to Free.

The deployment becomes unavailable for:

  • All users that use the deployment’s package combination
  • All users that use the linked package combinations.

The status of the deployment is set to Free and the status of all linked package combinations is set to Inactive.

Automatically, the changes to the involved tables are converted to runtime and the tables are reconfigured.

View Logfile
Shows the log file generated during the actions on the deployment.
Clear Logfile
Clears the log file generated during the actions on the deployment.

ID to identify a deployment of an Object Model (read-only).


Type of runtime implementation of the deployment.

These configuration options are available:

  • Option 1: Default.

    Multi Table (classic) Shadow tables are used for the checked out data.

  • Option 2: Single Table

    Checked in and checked out data is stored in a single table. This can result in better performance on runtime within an OCM related context, especially in combination with an Oracle database. A switch of Implementation is only allowed in case of a deployment with the Free or Replaced status. The Implementation determines how data definitions are actually converted to runtime as part of the Activate process.

Note: Porting set 9.4e or later is required.

For a Cloud environment this option is only available for tenants when enabled by this tenant resource: dbcm_single_table_allowed.

Package Combination

The package combination for which the deployment is defined.

Linked Package Combinations

The number of Package Combinations linked to the deployment.

Starts the Linked Package Combinations (ttocm0113m000).


The Object Model for which the deployment is defined.


The status of the deployment.

This field is read-only.

Allowed values
