Verify Table List (ttmig5411m000)

Use this session to print a list of expected tables in the batch. The session checks the references of a specific table and detects whether the referenced tables are part of the batch.

Based upon the results the user can decide to expand the batch list with the missing or expecting tables. Whether this action is required depends on how the batch code will be used.

The session puts the results on a report, which can be printed, saved, or viewed according to the user’s device selection.

On the report the table in the batch is displayed with all the referred tables. Per referred table you can see the reference mode, if it is a physical or logical table, and on which level the referred table exists. The current table can refer to another table (level 1), which in turn can refer to yet another table (level 2).

The Reference mode field in the report shows one of these values:

  • Mandatory

    Must be added to the list of tables present in the Tables by Batch (ttmig5511m000) session unless the data of the referred table is already present or will be loaded later.

  • Mandatory unless empty

    Should be added to the list of tables present in the Tables by Batch (ttmig5511m000) session unless those are empty tables, or the data of the referred table is already present or will be loaded later.

  • Not Mandatory

    Not required to be present in the list of tables in the Tables by Batch (ttmig5511m000) session.

Checking Batch

The batch code that is checked for completeness.