Data Publishing Parameters (ttdpm5130m000)

Use this session to define the parameters for publishing to ION Messaging Service.

Note: If the micro batching parameters are changed, the data publishers must be restarted to take effect.


These buttons are available:

Check IMS Connection
Checks if publishing to IMS with the parameters set is possible.

This button is only valid for the IMS parameters.

Publication Method

You can select one of these methods:

  • Data Lake Ingestion

    The messages are published directly and not through ION. In this way it is not required to model a data flow within ION.

    Note: If micro-batching is not enabled, Data Lake Ingestion is only used for Initial Load and the changes are published through ION Messaging Service (IMS).

  • ION Messaging Service

    Data is published from LN to Data Lake through ION. You must model data flows in ION. Or, select this option when you have set up a data flow in ION that does not end in Data Lake.

Note: For Cloud environments, the connection point parameters are not displayed. These parameters are defined on system resources on Landlord level.
Logical IDs
Logical ID

The logical ID of the ION messaging service.

Local Logical ID

The Logical ID to send the message to, for example: lid://default

IMS Connection

The Base URL. The part of the URL that is in front of /service/ to publish messages (data).

OAuth Consumer Key

The OAuth consumer key to connect to ION messaging service.

OAuth Secret Key

The OAuth secret key to connect to ION messaging service.

Data Catalog Connection

The Data Catalog URL. The part of the URL that is in front of /service/ to publish schemes (meta data) to data catalog.

OAuth Consumer Key

The OAuth consumer key to connect to ION messaging service for data catalog.

OAuth Secret Key

The OAuth secret key to connect to ION messaging service for data catalog.

Batch Ingestion Connection

The Batch Connection URL.

OAuth Consumer Key

The OAuth consumer key to connect to Ingestion API.

OAuth Secret Key

The OAuth secret key to connect to Ingestion API.

Micro Batching Parameters
Is Enabled

If this check box is cleared, micro-batching is not enabled. Batch Ingestion cannot be used as publication method for Changes. In that case, the changes are published through IMS.

Note: If the micro batching parameters are changed, the data publishers must be restarted to take effect.
Maximum Delay

Specify the minutes.

Minimum Message Size

Specify the size in MBs

Number of Transformers

The number of transformers per publisher bshell that transforms the database transactions to data to-be-published without publishing the data yet. The determination of the calculated fields is included.

Number of Micro-Batch Publishers

The number of micro-batch publishers per publisher bshell that publish the messages.

Periodical Reset

Specify the reset in minutes.