Copy Filters And Formats (ttadv9293m000)

Use this session to copy filters and formats, that are defined for a specific user, to these destinations:

  • A range of users or a selection of users
  • A range of roles or a selection of roles
  • A selection of companies

Specify the user whose filters and formats must be copied.


Select the appropriate option and specify the session, or range of sessions, for which you want to copy filters and formats.

Copy To

Select this check box to copy the filters and formats to one of these destinations:

  • A range of users
  • A range of roles
  • All users

Alternatively, you can select these check boxes on the Users tab:

  • Individual Users – Select this check box to copy to a selection of specific users.
  • Individual Roles – Select this check box to specify a selection of roles. The filters and formats are copied to all users that are linked to the specified roles.

If one of these check boxes is selected, the Copy To group is disabled.

All Users

If this check box is selected, the filters and formats are copied to all users.

Copy Formatting

If the Copy Formatting check box is selected, formats are copied.

Specify the range of formats to be copied.

Each conditional format has a status: Enabled or Disabled. Specify whether you want to copy all formats, or only the enabled formats.

Copy Filters

If the Copy Filters check box is selected, filters are copied.

A filter can be defined as the default filter. If Apply Default Filter is selected, this setting is copied.

Only Specific Formats

If the Only Specific Formats check box is selected, you can filter the formats.

Specify a session type. Only formats that are linked to the specified session type are copied. For details about the session types, see Conditional Formatting (ttadv9502m100).

Specify whether you want to copy formats that are defined for one specific company, or formats that are defined for all companies.

Individual Users

Select this check box to copy the filters and formats to a selection of specific users, instead of to a range of users.

If this check box is selected, the Copy To group on the Copy tab is disabled.


Specify a user to which the filters and formats must be copied.

Individual Roles

Select this check box to specify a selection of roles. The filters and formats are copied to the specified roles.

If this check box is selected, the Copy To group on the Copy tab is disabled.


Specify a role. The filters and formats are copied to the specified role.

Copy Formats to Companies

Select this check box to copy the filters and formats to a selection of specific companies.


Specify a company to which the filters and formats must be copied.