Customer Defined Field Domains (ttadv4596m000)

This session runs in a panel in the (Customer Defined Field) Domains (ttadv4596m100) session.

The table for which a customer defined field must be defined.

Data Type

The data type of the customer defined field.

Allowed values


Used for text; data type ‘multi byte string’. The default Input Length and Display Length is 30.


Used for whole numbers; data type ‘long’. The default number of digits is 10.


Used for numbers containing a decimal point; data type ‘double’; default maximum number of digits before decimal point: 9, after: 5.


Used for date/time; data type ‘UTC Date/Time’.


Used for check boxes; data type ‘enumerated’.

The domain must be defined as check box within the Domains to be Displayed as Checkbox (ttgfd4520m000) session.


Used for a list of constants; data type ‘enumerated’.

The domain must not be defined as check box within the Domains to be Displayed as Checkbox (ttgfd4520m000) session.


Used for texts; data type ‘text’.

In both, overview and details sessions, the added CDF texts are added automatically to the Text button menu.

The CDF texts are preceded by "CDF". For example, the Text button menu can contain these texts:

  • Text A
  • Text B
  • CDF Text A
  • CDF Text B

In this example, Text A and Text B are standard; CDF Text A and CDF Text B are custom.

In details sessions, the texts are displayed as multi-line edit boxes within the Configurable Fields part: texts are visible by default and can be made hidden through Personalize Form. The size of the multi-line edit boxes is fixed and cannot be customized. The length is 80 characters and the height is 8 lines.

String Length

The length of the customer defined field in the database. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

You can only specify a length for fields of type String.

Number of Digits before Decimal Point

For data type Integer, this is the maximum number of digits. For data type Numeric this is the maximum number of digits before the decimal point.

Specify this field for data types Integer and Numeric. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

Number of Digits after Decimal Point

The maximum number of digits after the decimal point.

Specify this field for data type Numeric. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.


The display format which is used in forms and reports to display specific data.

Note: The display format can be used for the byte, integer, long, double, float, string (with only digits) and date data types.
Date/Time Format

The date.