Satellite Sessions (ttadv3110m000)

Use this session to link the desired satellites to a Multi Main Table (MMT) session.

An MMT session is a combination of multiple sessions, each having their own main table. MMT sessions are used to present data with a typical parent-child structure.

For example, a Sales Order and the related Sales Order Lines.

The window of an MMT session consists of two parts:

  • The upper part shows the MMT header session. This is a maintain session for the main entity, such as a Sales Order. MMT header sessions use the Multi Main Table window type.
  • The lower part shows satellite sessions with child information, such as Sales Order Lines. At runtime, the satellite sessions are displayed as tabs.

The package code of the MMT header session.


The module code of the MMT header session. Each session belongs to a module in a specific package.


The session code. Each session is uniquely identified by the combination of the package code, the module code, and the session code.


The version code of the session's VRC.


The release code of the session's VRC.


The customer code of the session's VRC.

Index Number

Indicates on which tab in the MMT header session the satellite session is displayed.

For example, if you specify 1, the satellite session is displayed on the first tab in the MMT header session.

Satellite Session

The package code of the satellite session.

Satellite Session

The module code of the satellite session.

Satellite Session

The session code. Each session is uniquely identified by the combination of the package code, the module code, and the session code.

Initially Hidden

If this check box is selected, the satellite session is initially not displayed in the MMT header session. At runtime, you can make the satellite tab visible through the Personalize Satellite Tabs command in the MMT header session.

See also Personalize Satellite Tabs (ttadv9240m000).

Field Name in MMT session

The name of the relevant field in the main table of the MMT header session.

For example, you plan to link the sales order lines session as a satellite session in the sales orders session. In the Field Name in MMT session field, you specify the Order Number field from the Order Headers table. In the Field Name in Satellite field, you specify the Order Number field from the Order Lines table.

Field Name in Satellite

The name of the corresponding field in the main table of the satellite session.