Save dynamic forms with DFE (ttadv2920m000)

Use this session to automatically save dynamic forms for a range of sessions.

Use this session, for example, after you entered a domain in the Domains to be Displayed as Checkbox (ttgfd4520m000) session.


The code of the package to which the sessions belong.


The version code of the VRC to which the sessions belong.


The release code of the VRC to which the sessions belong.


The customer code of the VRC to which the sessions belong.


The sessions for which you want to save the forms.

Append Messages to File

The location of the log file, including the file name. All messages that are logged by the session are stored in this file.

Do not convert, only check

If this check box is selected, the process is run without actually saving the forms. You can then analyze the messages in the log file to check whether errors would occur.