Seals (ttaad2559m000)

A seal is a digital signature that is associated with a legal person or entity, as opposed to a natural person. Use this session to define the keys that can be used to seal a document.

Key Alias

The alias, or label, of the key that should be used for sealing documents.


If this check box is selected, the key is accessed on an HSM. This option is only available if the PKCS11 implementation library is specified in the Digital Signing Configuration (ttaad2655m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the key is accessed in a key store. This option is only available if the User Key Store Path is specified in the Digital Signing Configuration (ttaad2655m000) session.


The slot number that contains the token of this user in the HSM. This is only applicable if the On HSM check box is selected.

Seal Key Store

The PKCS #12 key store that contains the signing key. This is only applicable if the On HSM check box is cleared.

Seal Password

The password that is required to access the seal key store.