Table Sharing Exceptions (tltsm2100m000)

Use this session to get an overview of the problems that are identified for a table set.

Any errors resulting from the acceptance of table sharing exceptions are at the customer's risk.

Exception types

The following types of exceptions can occur:

  • Error

    The exception is caused by a reference of mode Mandatory
  • Warning

    The exception is caused by a reference of mode Mandatory unless empty or Non Mandatory .

Solution methods

You can respond to an identified exception in one of the following ways:

  • Accept

    If you accept an exception, the Exception Status turns to Accepted . The exception will no longer block a table sharing set from being made actual. You can do that for example, if you have decided not to use the functionality that uses this reference.
  • Correct

    If you correct an exception, LN adds the reference table that produced the exception to the table set and removes the exception from the list.

To accept all exceptions that are caused directly or indirectly by a certain table in the table set, select the table and click Accept All

To correct all exceptions that are caused directly or indirectly by a certain table in the table set, select the table and click Correct All

To restore an accepted exception to Actual , select the exception and click Actualize on the Specific menu.


These options are available:

Accept All
Sets the selected exceptions and all indirectly caused exceptions to Accepted.
Sets the selected exceptions to Accepted.
Correct All
Removes the selected exceptions and all indirectly caused exceptions with status Actual, and adds the corresponding tables to the table sets that caused the exceptions. Exceptions with status Accepted are not removed.
Removes the selected exceptions, and adds the corresponding tables to the table sets that caused the exceptions. Exceptions with status Accepted are not removed.
Show Relation Tree
Shows a graphical view of the references of the selected table.
Verify Shared Logical Tables
Removes all exceptions with status Actual and repeats the verification process. The list of exceptions is updated.
Changes the status of the selected exception to Actual.
Where-Used Parent
Shows all referral tables that produced exceptions because they refer to a specific reference table.
Show Relation Tree (All)
Shows a graphical view of all the references that produced an exception.
Table Sharing Set

The table sharing set.

Table Sharing Set

The description of the table sharing set.


If this check box is selected, the table sharing set (in its current composition) has been verified by using the Verify Shared Logical Tables command.


If this check box is selected, the table sharing set was made actual.

Logical Company

The logical company for which the table set is intended.

Table Set Properties
Table Set

The table set.

Table Set

The description of the table set.


If this check box is selected, the table set (in its current composition) has been verified by using the Verify Shared Logical Tables command.


If this check box is selected, the table set is part of a table sharing set that was made actual.

If the Allow changes in Actual Table Set Data check box in the Table Sharing Parameters (tltsm0100m000) session is selected, you are still allowed to change the composition of the table set.

Selection Type

The type of the investigated record of the table set ( Table or Module).


The package code of the investigated record of the table set.


The module code of the investigated record of the table set.


The investigated record of the table set.

Table Sharing Properties
Master Table

The package code of the referral table

Master Table

The module code of the referral table

Master Table

The referral table

Master Table

The name of the referral table.

Field From

The table field that has a reference.

Field From

The description of the field.

In Table Set

This check box indicates whether the master table belongs to the table set that is displayed in the Table Set field.


The VRC of the referral table.


The VRC of the referral table.


The VRC of the referral table.

Parent Table

The package code of the reference table

Parent Table

The module code of the reference table

Parent Table

The code of the reference table

Parent Table

The description of the reference table.


The VRC of the reference table.


The VRC of the reference table.


The VRC of the reference table.

Reference Properties

The reference mode.


The reference type.

Program Script

The package code of the program script that contains the soft reference.

Program Script

The module code of the program script that contains the soft reference.

Program Script

The code of the program script that contains the soft reference.

Program Script

The description of the program script.


The VRC of the program script that contains the soft reference.


The VRC of the program script that contains the soft reference.


The VRC of the program script that contains the soft reference.

Exception Properties
Exception Origin

The exception origin.

Allowed values


The exception is caused by a hard reference or a soft reference.

General Sharing Rule

Currently not used.

Requirement Sharing Rule

Currently not used.

TSS Sharing Rule

Currently not used.


The exception message.

Exception Type

The exception type can be Error or Warning.

These values have the following reasons:

  • Error

    The exception is caused by a reference of mode Mandatory
  • Warning

    The exception is caused by a reference of mode Mandatory unless empty or Non Mandatory.

Indicates how serious the exception is.

The Severity of a Table Sharing Exception is set during verifying.

Allowed values

Critical The reference mode of the table relation in the exception is mandatory.
Serious The reference mode of the table relation in the exception is either mandatory-unless-empty or non-mandatory.
Exception Status

The exception status determines the effect of the exception.

The following statuses can occur:

  • Actual

    The exception has not yet been resolved. As long as you have exceptions with the Actual status, you cannot make the related table sharing set actual.
  • Accepted

    The exception will no longer block a table sharing set from being made actual.

To change an actual exception to Accepted, select the exception and click Accept on the Specific menu.

To restore an accepted exception to Actual, select the exception and click Actualize on the Specific menu.