
QR Barcode and ATCUD on shipping document

For shipments subject to tax in Portugal, it is required to print additional information on the shipping documents, such as packing slips or waybills.

The Portuguese law requires the printing of the ATCUD, a unique document ID defined by the Portuguese Tax Authority, a QR barcode, and some other data.

For companies in the automotive business, the packing slips according to DIN 4994 and VDA 4939, and the GALIA waybill are printed in Automotive Exchange.

The required information is now transferred from LN CE to Automotive Exchange and the shipping documents are compliant with the Portuguese law.

XML tax declaration enhancements

The initialization of the XML file in the Tax Declaration Master is now supported for VAT in Portugal. With the initialized Tax Declaration Master, an XML file is created in the tax declaration in LN CE Financials.

If the total VAT must be reimbursed, i.e. if the tag reembolso > 0, then details for the supplier annex that correspond to the summary of the invoices declared in the declaration box numbers 20, 21, 23, and 24, are also exported to the output XML file.

Customer operations are not included and must be added manually on the Tax Authority website before the declaration is submitted. Also, details for regularization annexes that correspond to box numbers 40 and 41 must also be added manually if they exist.