Keyboard shortcuts for input fields

This table shows the keyboard shortcuts which are dependent on the field type:

Field type or dialog Shortcut Action
Text input field Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Z Undo last change
Field with browse button Ctrl+B Open browse session
Drop-down listbox field Alt+↓
Open drop-down list
Select next item in list
Select previous item in list
<Letter> Select first item which starts with <Letter> (case insensitive compare)
Esc Close the drop-down list and ignore change.
Enter Close the drop-down list and commit change.
Date field Alt+↓ Open date picker
Increment day, month, or year, depending on the caret position.

Use ← and → to navigate.

Decrement day, month, or year, depending on the caret position.

Use ← and → to navigate.

Date picker dialog → ← ↑ ↓ Navigate days
PageUp Previous month
PageDown Next month
Shift+PageUp Previous year
Shift+PageDown Next year
t Today
Esc Close the date picker and ignore change.
Enter Close the date picker and commit change.
Time field Increment hour, minute, second, or AM/PM, depending on the caret position.

Use ← and → to navigate.

Decrement hour, minute, second, or AM/PM, depending on the caret position.

Use ← and → to navigate.

Check box field Space Toggle selection
Radio button field → ← ↑ ↓ Navigate a group of radio buttons.
Space Select option which has focus