Usability improvements

Form personalization workbench

The Personalize Form modal dialog is replaced by a workbench. The workbench offers a 'what you see is what you get' view of new and changed form personalizations.

This functionality requires the installation of Enterprise Server 10.5 and the deployment of the Personalization (ttstppers) workbench.

Improved LN session navigation

Each LN session tab now has a shortcut menu to close the current session, other sessions, sessions to the right, or all sessions.

Classic color scheme

The user profile supports the selection of a classic skin as an alternative to the existing default color scheme. The classic skin has a gray background and white input fields. You can select the skin on the Appearance tab of the User Profile Details (uigwt0102s000) page.

Improved color picker

The color picker control offers an improved selection from the available grades of saturation for the standard palette colors.

Importing Worktop shortcuts

When using LN UI stand-alone mode, individual end users can import LN session and DEM process shortcuts from Worktop. Imported shortcuts are displayed in the Favorites panel. Users can start the import from the User Profile Details (uigwt0102s000) page. See the Options > Settings menu. For details, see the online help of the User Profile Details (uigwt0102s000) page.

Selecting a URL from a DEM process

If you select a URL while viewing a DEM process, a new browser tab is opened automatically. You do not have to use Ctrl+Click to open a new tab.