Conditional formatting

Web UI users can define conditions to apply special formatting to the data displayed in LN sessions. The users can define multiple conditions per session and different types of formatting, such as a specific color for particular fields or rows, and a warning symbol for particular rows. Administrators can maintain the formatting settings specified by the users and can define system-wide formatting settings.

You can define various types of conditions, both simple and more complicated. For example:

  • In the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session, all production orders with Order Status "Closed" must be displayed on a green back ground.
  • In the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, a warning symbol must be displayed and the order Amount must be displayed on a blue background, for all sales orders with an order amount greater than 10000.

To maintain formatting settings, administrators can use the Conditional Formatting (ttadv9502m000) session.