Audit configuration procedure details

  1. Define audit categories

    Start the Audit Categories (ttaud3100m000) session.

    Define one or more audit categories. Note that audit categories are optional. You can define the audit configuration without using audit categories. You can also skip this step now, and define audit categories later.

  2. Define company groups

    Start the Company Groups (ttaud3140m000) session.

    Define one or more company groups. Company groups enable you to configure audit settings for several companies simultaneously. Company groups are required in several sessions. If you do not define company groups, you only have the option to specify the audit settings for all companies. Note that in the current session, you only define the names and descriptions of the company groups. To define which companies are related to the company groups, use the following session.

  3. Define which companies are related to the company groups

    Start the Companies by Company Group (ttaud3145m000) session.

    Define which companies are related to the company groups.

  4. Define audit profiles
    1. Start the Audit Profiles (ttaud3110m000) session.
    2. Enter a name and description to define an audit profile.
    3. Link the profile to a category. This step is optional.
    4. Specify whether the profile is valid for all companies or for a company group. You can only select one company group for each profile.
    5. Select the Active check box for the profiles you currently want to use. Only profiles with the Active check box selected are converted to run time. Note that later in the audit configuration process, records that contain audit settings for tables and fields can also be Active or Not Active.
    6. Attach a text with additional information to the profile. This step is optional.
  5. Define the tables that must be audited
    1. Start the Audit Tables by Profile (ttaud3120m000) session.
    2. Select the appropriate packages, modules, and tables to define the tables that must be audited. On the Specific menu, you can also zoom to the Load Audit Tables for Profile (ttaud3220s000) session to load a list of tables, from which you can delete the tables you do not require.
    3. Define whether all fields in the table must be audited, or only specified fields. Refer to the following main step if you only want to audit particular fields.
    4. Define the audit type for tables you want to audit completely.
    5. Select the Active check box for the records that must be converted to run time when the current profile is converted to run time.
  6. Configure the audit settings for specific fields

    Note: This step is optional and only required if you want to configure the audit settings for specific fields.

    1. Start the Audit Fields by Table (ttaud3125m000) session.
    2. Select the fields that must be audited. On the Specific menu, you can also load a list of all (key) fields from which you can delete the fields you do not require. Note that the fields that are part of the primary key of the table are selected by default. Do not delete these fields unless you are sure that a valid key is not necessary for your audit purposes.
    3. Define the audit type for fields you want to audit.
    4. Select the Active check box for the records that must be converted to run time when the current profile is converted to run time.
  7. Convert the audit settings to run time
    1. Start the Create Runtime Audit Definitions (ttaud3200s000) session.
    2. Select the Audit Profiles check box.
    3. Click Create to convert the settings to run time.