General tab (My Office Preferences)

Use this tab to set the preferences related to the PLM files, items.
Table 1. General
Preferences Description
File Name Uniqueness This option defines the uniqueness of the PLM file name. Possible options:
  • Unique per project
  • Unique across all projects
  • Duplicate file name is allowed
Query Search Default The option that determines the default search object in the Download Files from PLM dialog box which can be accessed using the Download Files From PLM option in MS Office. Possible values:
  • Item
  • Document
  • File
Fill To CAD Mapping values only in blank fields If this check box is selected, the local editable drawing files of editable or non-editable models, linked to the current CAD structure, are saved to PLM.
Do not calculate the formulas during download If this check box is selected, calculation of data in all the open excel workbooks is not performed after the file is downloaded from PLM, resulting in performance improvement. If this check box is cleared, full calculation of the data in all the open excel workbooks is performed, to reflect the CAD mapping values.
Append Received Time on the Outlook Message to the filename If this check box is selected, the outlook mail is saved as <<mailsubject+mailreceiveddatetime>>.msg. The received date and time is added to the subject before the mail is saved to PLM. If this check box is cleared, the outlook mail is saved to PLM as <<mailsubject>>.msg.
Table 2. Outlook
Preferences Description
Append Received Time on the Outlook Message to the filename If this check box is selected, the outlook mail is saved as <<mailsubject+mailreceiveddatetime>>.msg. The received date and time is added to the subject before the mail is saved to PLM. If this check box is cleared, the outlook mail is saved to PLM as <<mailsubject>>.msg.
Table 3. Troubleshooting
Preferences Description
Generate Log files If this check box is selected, log files are generated.