Printing shipment documents by external application

If LN is integrated with external application Automotive Exchange Export Manager (EXM), the shipping documents are normally printed when a shipment is confirmed. After confirmation, adjustments cannot be made to the shipment should compliance issues occur.

You can check the shipments before they are confirmed by adding an additional step to the shipment procedure. This step entails printing the shipping documents when the shipment is set to Frozen.

Based on the shipping documents, the user can check the shipments, and if required, reopen and adjust them before printing the final version of the documents and confirming the shipments.

Adjusted shipment procedure

If the additional verification step is implemented, the shipment procedure has these steps:

  1. Create shipment.
  2. Freeze shipment.
  3. Manually print shipping documents.
  4. Manually check shipping documents.
  5. If required, complete these manual steps:

    1. Reopen shipment.
    2. Adjust shipment.
    3. Re-freeze shipment.
  6. Manually print shipping documents.
  7. Confirm shipment.
  8. Prepare advance shipping notice (ASN).

Steps 3 and 6 Printing the shipping documents

To print the shipping documents, complete these steps:

  1. Select Print Shipping Documents by External Application in the appropriate menu of the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session to start the Print Shipping Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session.
  2. Click Print in the Print Shipping Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session.

    These Business Object Documents (BODs) are sent to the external application to start the printing process:

    • Shipment BOD
    • Invoice BOD
    • Carrier Route BOD

Step 7 Confirm shipment

When you confirm the shipments, these steps are completed:

  1. The Shipment, Invoice, and Carrier Route BODs are sent to EXM again.
  2. EXM checks the shipping documents and reprints any that have changed from the previous version.
Note: If the additional verification step is implemented, you cannot confirm the shipment before the shipment documents are printed. For individual users, you can overrule the additional verification step in the user profile. Authorized users can then confirm shipments before the shipping documents have been printed.



  • LN must be linked to EXM.
  • BOD publishing must be implemented.

Printing shipping documents for frozen shipments is defined by order type. In the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) details session, select these check boxes for the applicable order types:

  • Freeze Mandatory
  • Print Shipping Documents by External Application

Optionally, you can authorize individual users to confirm shipments for which no shipping documents have been printed, thus overriding the selection of the Print Shipping Documents by External Application check box. For this purpose, select the Confirm Unprinted Shipments by External Application check box in the Warehousing User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

When printing shipment documents before confirmation is implemented, the Print Shipping Documents by External Application check box is selected in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session for shipments of the applicable order types.