Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6550m000)

Use this session to view the blocked stock points resulting from blocking a:

  • Zone or location in the Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6110m000) session
  • Lot in the Lot Blocking (whwmd6120m000) session
  • Stock point in the Stock Point Blocking (whwmd6130m000) session
  • Handling unit in the Handling Unit Blocking (whwmd6140m000) session

For example, if you block a lot in the Lot Blocking (whwmd6120m000) session and zoom to the current session, the current session shows the blocked stock points and the blocked quantities of the lot.

However, various manual blockings can affect the same stock points. In such cases, the highest blocked stock-point quantity prevails, and this quantity is displayed in the current session.


The total quantity of lot A is 10. In the Stock Point Blocking (whwmd6130m000) session, a user blocks 3 items of lot A. Another user blocks the entire lot A in the Lot Blocking (whwmd6120m000) session. When the current session is started from the Lot Blocking (whwmd6120m000) or the Stock Point Blocking (whwmd6130m000) session, the blocked quantity displayed for lot A is 10.

LN determines the quantity of blocked stock points based on the inventory present at the moment of blocking. In this session, you cannot maintain the blocked quantities.

Field Information









Inventory Date

inventory date

Handling Unit

The handling unit that contains the blocked stock points. If this handling unit contains child handling units, the blocked stock points are contained in the child handling units. If present, the child handling units are displayed in the lines section of this session.

Blocked Quantity

The quantity of items of the blocked stock point.

Inventory Unit

The inventory unit used to express the blocked quantity.


The sequence number of the stock point.


The reason code of type Inventory Blocking excluding EP or Inventory Blocking including EP as defined in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Storage Zone


Blocking Sequence

The sequence number of the blocking. Various blockings can be set for a stock point.

Blocked Handling Unit

The handling unit of the blocked stock point. This handling unit is a child handling unit.