Update KANBAN Parameters (whwmd2113m000)

Use this session to evaluate, discard, change, and update the preliminary updates of the kanban parameters specified in the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session.

Use the Deviations Only option on the appropriate menu to display the kanban settings of all item and warehouse combinations that match the selection range specified in the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session, or only for items and warehouses whose settings are modified.

Current values The values before the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session is run in Interactive mode.
New Values The proposed values after the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session is run in Interactive mode.

Field Information





Current Horizon for Historical Demand

The number of days in the past up to and including the current day for which LN checks the issues for production orders in the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.


New Horizon for Historical Demand

The number of days in the past up to and including the current day for which LN checks the issues for production orders in the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Current Horizon for Future Demand

The number of days from the current day onwards for which LN checks the planned issues for production orders in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. Issues planned for a date in the past that are yet to occur are also included. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

New Horizon for Future Demand

The number of days from the current day onwards for which LN checks the planned issues for production orders in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. Issues planned for a date in the past that are yet to occur are also included. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Current Offset Date

If this check box is selected, an offset date is specified for the warehouse and item that is not modified in the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session.

New Offset Date

If this check box is selected, the offset date for the warehouse and item is modified in the Global Update of Kanban Parameters (whinh2200m100) session.

Current Average Daily Demand

The average daily demand for (end) items from the current warehouse based on Job Shop Control production orders.

The items supplied by the kanban order are used to assemble or produce the (end) items. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

inventory unit

New Average Daily Demand

The average daily demand for (end) items from the current warehouse based on Job Shop Control production orders.

The items supplied by the kanban order are used to assemble or produce the (end) items. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.


If this check box is selected, there is a difference between the current and the proposed daily demand.

Future Demand

The total item quantities present in the planned inventory transactions within the time span of the New Horizon forFuture Demand.

Current Buffer

A percentage of the average daily demand used to calculate the number of kanban signals and the supply quantity of kanban loops. This percentage is added to the average daily demand, which results in a higher supply quantity for the kanban loops. This is used to prevent underdeliveries.

Percentages in excess of 100% are allowed.

New Buffer

A percentage of the average daily demand used to calculate the number of kanban signals and the supply quantity of kanban loops. This percentage is added to the average daily demand, which results in a higher supply quantity for the kanban loops. This is used to prevent underdeliveries.

Percentages in excess of 100% are allowed.

Current Stock Coverage

The number of days within the future horizon, which usually represents the lead time of an end product for which the component demand is covered by the available stock. The lead time is the transport time added with the production time.

The stock coverage is used to calculate number of kanban signals. The stock coverage is manually specified.

New Stock Coverage

The number of days within the future horizon, which usually represents the lead time of an end product for which the component demand is covered by the available stock. The lead time is the transport time added with the production time.

The stock coverage is used to calculate number of kanban signals. The stock coverage is manually specified.

Current Signal Supply Quantity

The quantity of items that must be supplied by a kanban signal. This quantity is manually specified.

New Signal Supply Quantity

The quantity of items that must be supplied by a kanban signal. This quantity is manually specified.

Current Number of Signals

The default number of kanban signals that is used to supply the assembly line or production line if the supply system is Kanban. This value can be specified manually or calculated by LN.

New Number of Signals

The default number of kanban signals that is used to supply the assembly line or production line if the supply system is Kanban. This value can be specified manually or calculated by LN.


If this check box is selected, there is a difference between the current and the proposed number of kanban signals.


If this check box is selected, the proposed updates are processed. After processing, the fields in this session are set to read-only.