Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the received and issued quantities of packaging items by date. LN updates the session during the receipt and shipping process for transactions that include a packaging item.

You can also manually specify packaging item transactions.

Field Information

Packaging Item

The packaging item of the transaction.

Packaging Item

The description or name of the code.

Transaction Date

The date on which the transaction is processed. If you specify an earlier transaction date, the transaction date precedes the actual log date.


The sequence in which LN records the packaging item transactions.


The nature of the transaction.

  • Receipt

    The packaging items are received in the warehouse.

  • Issue

    The packaging items are issued from the warehouse.

  • Inventory Adjustment

    Manual adjustment of the number of packaging items that are available in the warehouse.

  • In the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session, the transaction type is viewed from your organization's perspective.

    In the External Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1116m000) session, the transaction type is viewed from the external business partner's perspective.

    For example, if you are a supplier and you receive empty packaging materials from your PSP, this transaction would be a receipt transaction into your warehouse. From the PSP's perspective, it would be an issue from the PSP's depot to your warehouse.

  • The values Receipt and Issue are allowed for order-related transactions.
Business Partner

The business partner from whom the packaging items are received or to whom the packaging items are shipped.

Business Partner's Name

The name of the business partner.


The site of the warehouse from which the packaging items are shipped or into which the packaging items are received.

Site Description

The description or name of the code.

Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity received into or shipped from the warehouse.

The received or shipped packaging item transactions are marked with a with positive sign. The correction quantity is marked with a positive sign if the number of packaging items in the warehouse is increased, or with a negative sign if the number of packaging items are decreased in the warehouse.

Note: The Quantity in Inventory Unit field cannot be modified if the Manual check box is cleared.
Inventory Unit

inventory unit

Shipping Material Account

The shipping material account (SMA) of the transaction. You can define shipping material accounts in the Shipping Material Accounts (whwmd4170m000) session.

Shipping Material Account Description

The description or name of the code.

Shipping Material Account Balance

The field is updated with the value of the latest transaction for each combination of shipping material account and item, and adjusted with the value of the Quantity in Inventory Unit field of the transaction. The field must be updated for all transactions of the shipping material account (SMA) and item combination that have a higher transaction date.


The user who added or changed the transaction.


The description or name of the code.


LN selects the check box if the packaging item transaction is manually added.

  • The values Receipt, Issue, and Inventory Adjustment are allowed for order-related transactions.

  • The Quantity in Inventory Unit field cannot be modified if the Manual check box is cleared.


The status indicating the movement of the packaging item. Only confirmed and reconciled transactions are considered when counting the packaging item balances.

Allowed values

  • Planned
  • Confirmed
  • To be Reconciled
  • Reconciled
Packing Slip (external)

The customer's or the external business partner's packing slip.

Business Partner Address


Business Partner Address

The description or name of the code.

Item Code System

item code system

Item Code System

The description or name of the code.

Customer Item

The Business Partner Packaging Item Code. If not defined, this field shows the Business Partner Item.

The Business Partner Packaging Item Code is defined in the Business Partner Packaging Item Codes (whwmd4506m000) session. The Business Partner Item is defined in the Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000) session.


The carrier responsible for the transport of the packaging materials.

For receipt transactions, the carrier is retrieved from the related receipt from the Warehouse Receipts Overview (whinh3110m000) session or, if not present, the delivery carrier of the load related to the receipt is taken.

For issue transactions, the carrier is retrieved from the related load from the Load (whinh4640m000) session.

In manual transactions with status Planned, the user can select a carrier from the Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000) session.

Order Company

The company from which the transaction originates.

Order Type

order type


warehousing-order number


position (number)


The sequence number of the order line on the order that initiated the inventory transaction.

BOM Line

BOM line


The receipt number of a receipt transaction.

Receipt Line

The line of the receipt.


The shipment number of an issue transaction.

Shipment Line

The line of the shipment.


The load of the shipment.

Shipping Container

The container of the shipment.