Project Cost Peg Transfer Lines History (whinh1595m000)

Use this session to maintain the history data of the cost peg transfer lines.

Note: Cost peg transfers are not generated automatically in the generate outbound advice process for the issues of customer owned materials.

Field Information

Project Cost Peg Transfer

The cost peg transfer number.


The cost peg transfer line number.

Transfer Type

The cost peg transfer type of the selected cost peg transfer line.

Allowed values


The cost peg transfer is permanent. The loaning project is compensated for the cost of the material and new demand orders are created to replenish it.


The cost peg transfer is temporary. The borrowing project must pay back the borrowed inventory to the lending project before the next billing cycle. No cost is transferred between the projects.


The borrowed inventory is paid back to the lending project by the borrowing project.


This is a display field. Default value: Permanent.

The transfer types Borrow/Loan and Payback are disabled

  • When the From-PCA or To-PCA is unpegged.
  • When the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.
Transaction Date

The transaction date.

Project Cost Peg Transfer
Project Cost Peg Transfer

The origin of the cost peg transfer order.

This field can have the following values:

  • Enterprise Planning
  • Outbound Advice
  • Manual
  • Mass Project Cost Peg Transfer

The warehouse in which the cost peg is transferred.


The item code.

Subject to Trade Compliance

If this check box is selected, the item is subject to global trade compliance checks.

Effectivity Unit

The code of the effectivity unit.

Quantity in Inventory Unit

The ordered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.


The code of the reason for the cost peg transfer.

Required Date

The date on which the target peg needs the goods.


If this check box is selected, the cost peg transfer line is processed.

Processing Date

The date on which the cost peg transfer line is processed.

Processed by

The user who processes the cost peg transfer line data.


The ownership of the inventory listed on the cost peg transfer order.

Allowed values

Company Owned

company owned



Customer Owned

customer owned

Return as Issued

When items are returned from the production environment to the warehouse, for example, because fewer items were required than issued for production, the original owner at the time of issue will become the owner again (unless the items are damaged).


The date the ownership is transferred from supplier to customer is still unknown. The change date is determined after the items are picked, and depends on both the warehouse types involved in the goods transfer and the agreement between supplier and customer.

Not Applicable

Your own organization owns the inventory. Ownership behavior refers only to not-owned inventory.


This field is not applicable when external ownership is not implemented.

When customer owned material is issued, cost peg transfers are not generated automatically during the generation of outbound advice.

When this field is set to Customer Owned:

  • You must specify the same sold-to business partner for the ship-from peg and the ship-to peg.
  • You must specify the project in the From Project and the Project fields.
Transfer From

The project from which the cost pegs are transferred.

Note: This is a mandatory field when the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

The element linked to the project.

From Activity

The activity linked to the project.

Transfer To
To Project

The project to which the cost pegs are transferred.

Note: This is a mandatory field when the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

The element linked to the project.


The activity linked to the project.

History Status

The history status of the cost peg transfer order line.

This field can have the following values:

  • Created
  • Modified
  • Processed
  • Removed

The user who modifies the cost peg transfer.

Inventory Value

The value of the inventory.


The currency in which value of the inventory is expressed.

Transaction Amount

The total amount of the cost peg transfer line .

Outbound Advice Details
Outbound Advice Origin

The order origin of the outbound advice linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Outbound Advice Order

The order number of the outbound advice linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Outbound Advice Order Set

The order set of the outbound advice linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Outbound Advice Order Line

The outbound advice order line linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Outbound Advice Order Sequence

The sequence of the outbound advice line linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Outbound Advice Line

The outbound advice line linked to the cost peg transfer order.

Line Text

If this check box is selected, text related to the cost peg transfer line is present.