Inventory Turns (whina8353m000)

Use this application to view the bar charts with Inventory Turns by Warehouse or Inventory Turns by Item Group for a specific warehouse.

To modify the chart settings, use the Inventory Turns - Chart Settings (whinh0901m100) session.

You can start the Inventory Turns - Chart Settings (whinh0901m100) session using the Chart Settings option in the Settings menu; displayed when you move the pointer to the chart title.

Inventory Turns by Warehouse

The inventory turns by warehouse is the average of the inventory turns of all the items in the warehouse.

Inventory turns for each item = Sum of the actual issues of the last year for the item/ Current on hand inventory for the item
Note:  LN does not consider the items without inventory and item issue.

Chart Navigation

Place the mouse pointer above the bars to view the inventory turns by warehouse or by item group for a specific warehouse.

You can zoom in on any part of the chart by:

  • Resizing the scrollbar: Select the scrollbar and drag.
  • Selecting a part of the chart: Click the chart and drag.

Inventory Turns by Item Group for Warehouse 'X'

The inventory turns by item group for warehouse 'X' is the average of the inventory turns of all the items in the item group (for Warehouse 'X').

Inventory turns for each item in the item group = Sum of the actual issues of the last year for the item/ Current on hand inventory for the item (in Warehouse 'X')
Note: You can start this application from the menu or from your Role Based Home Page.
Note:  LN does not consider the items without inventory and item issue.
  • The following bar charts are displayed:

    • Inventory Turns by Warehouse: This chart is displayed by default.
    • Inventory Turns by Item group for Warehouse 'X': This chart is displayed when you click a bar in the Inventory Turns by Warehouse chart.