MAUC Correction Cost Details (whina1131m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the details of the moving-average unit cost (MAUC) correction by cost component.

If the MAUC value is corrected for the item, the MAUC is divided over the cost components proportionally with the standard valuation price. If the MAUC is corrected for an item/warehouse combination, the valuation price on item/warehouse level is taken, otherwise the valuation price on item level is taken.

Field Information

Cost Component

The cost component of the selected item.

Current MAUC

The current MAUC value of the cost component of the item prior to correction. The current MAUC value is only displayed for item - warehouse combination selected in the Item and Warehouse fields in the MAUC Correction by Item (whina1231m000) session.


The new, corrected MAUC value of the cost component of the item.

Current MAUH

The current MAUH for a cost component, before the MAUC correction. This value is based on the average hours at time of receiving this item.

Note: You can view this field if the Show Hours in Costing check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

The corrected MAUH for a cost component, after the MAUC correction. This is used to modify the MAUH if production hours cannot be added after receipt in production is performed.

Note: You can view this field if the Show Hours in Costing check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.