Assigning an activity to an Engineer

Single Unassigned Activity

When a single unassigned activity is selected, these actions are executed:

  • The Gantt chart displays the planned times for the selected activity. Select the ON Freeze Gantt Scale option to disable this action.
  • The first and second rows display the activity constraints for the selected activity. The first row displays the activity planned start/finish time for the task. The second row displays the earliest start and latest finish time for the task. The calendar assigned to the Installation Group is also displayed in the background.
  • The Skills list is populated with the mandatory and optional skills required to execute the selected activity. Mandatory skills are displayed marked with Red asterisk (*).
  • The list of engineers with the skills required for the activity, is populated in the Gantt chart.
  • The Show Available Resources option enable you to see the list of engineers available to execute the activity during the planned time.

The workbench planning is based on the calendar information. However, in some cases, planning can be done without the calendar. Use the Ignore Calendar option to ignore the calendar and assign the task during the engineer’s non-availability time.

Assigning an activity to an engineer:

  1. Plan based on the availability of the engineer: Check when the engineer can visit the customer. Drag the selected unassigned activity from the grid to the Gantt chart and assign the activity to the required engineer. The activity’s planned start and finish time are modified.
  2. Plan based on the requested time for the activity: Check if an engineer is available for the requested date/time. Select the engineer(s) from the Gantt and link to the selected activity’s order number or activity number of the activity, using the drag-and-drop option. The order number and the related unassigned activities for the order are assigned to the engineer. Note: You can also select multiple engineers, if the activity must be shared.

Smart Planning using the drag option

When you select (drag-and-drop option) an activity wherein the finish time of the existing activity is almost reached, the time difference between the existing activity’s assignment finish time and the selected time is less than or equal to five minutes, the activity is automatically sequenced. This feature helps you plan activities without any delay.

Multiple Unassigned Activities

A plan based on the requested time for the activity. You must check if an engineer is available for the requested date/time.

  • You can select multiple unassigned activities from the Activities section and link the activities, using the drag option, to the required engineer on Gantt.
  • You can select multiple unassigned activities from the Activities section and link the activities, using the drag option, to the required engineer based on the Activity number or the Order number.

Multiple Unassigned Activities

A plan based on the requested time for the activity. You must check if an engineer is available for the requested date/time.

  • You can select multiple unassigned activities from the Activities section and link the activities, using the drag-and-drop option, to the required engineer on the Gantt chart.
  • You can select multiple unassigned activities from the Activities section. Then select the required engineer(s) on the Gantt. Now, drag-and-drop the engineers on the activity number or the order number in the Activities grid.