Planning Modes

Primarily, there are two planning modes in the Service Scheduler Workbench.

Employee Based Planning

This type of planning is used to assign the service order activities, work order activities, and planned activities to engineers. The activities can be assigned/unassigned/reassigned to engineers based on these planning methods:

Plan based on the availability of the engineer

This planning method depends on the availability of the engineer to visit the customer. You must select an activity and using the drag-and-drop feature, to add the activity to the Gantt chart. The workbench calculates the new planned start and finish time. However, the time may deviate from the requested time of the activity.

Plan based on the requested time of the activity

This plan is based on the availability of the engineer to perform the activity, based on the requested planned start and finish time. When you select an unassigned activity, a list of skilled engineers available to perform the activity, is displayed. Using the drag-and-drop feature link the activity to the required engineer. This process is executed to ensure that the planned start and finish time is not modified.

Plan based on a geographical selection

This plan is used to group the activities in a specific region, to reduce the travel time. Using the map, you must select the activities for a required region. In the grid, you must select the unassigned activities for the region, and using the drag-and-drop option, add the activities to the Gantt chart. Optionally, the activities can be sequentially planned simultaneously.

Installation Group Based Planning

Using this planning method, you can plan the service order activities and planned activities, based on the Installation group or serialized items. In this view, you can effectively perform preventive maintenance by the Installation group or serial and accordingly plan the service activities for the group.