Approve Commitments (Subcontracting) (tpppc4586m000)

Use this session to confirm subcontracting commitments before posting by the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session.

The commitments are either derived from the Commitments (Subcontracting) (tpppc2170s000) session.

Field Information


If this check box is selected, the posting type field is set to Proj. Control (Rev.Entry).

Approved for Posting

If this check box is selected, the transaction can be processed in Financials and/or in the project history of Project . If the posting process is blocked, this check box is cleared.


The project code.


The subcontracting code.


The sequence number code.


The element code.


The activity's code.


The extension code.


The project currency

Cost Amount

The total costs. If you change the automatically generated cost amount, for example, to grant a discount, the value of the Cost Rate field is automatically adjusted.

Registration Date

Date of input for the forecast deviation of costs.

Posting Type

The entry type shows both the transaction's origin and the accounts, based on which the transaction is posted to Financials .