Machine Utilization Workbench User Settings

In the User Settings, you can configure the display settings for the workbench.

To access the user settings, use the User Settings option from the Settings menu. You can set these values:

  • Activity Block Description: The entity that must be displayed in the tooltip when you rest the pointer on an operation bar. Possible values:
    • Order
    • Item
  • Interval Length: The length of intervals for the day-scale on the Predicted Order Completion chart.
  • First day of Week: The day on which a week begins in the Gantt section.
  • Utilization Threshold: Allows you to define the threshold for Utilization value. The Utilization values crossing this threshold, are formatted in the specified color.
  • Utilization: Allows you to define the default color for Utilization values.
The color in which the order status is displayed in the Gantt.
Machine Availability
  • Available: The color in which the available hours of a machine are displayed in the Gantt.
  • Timeout: The color in which the timeout hours of a machine are displayed in the Gantt.
  • Down Time: The color in which the down time hours of a machine are displayed in the Gantt
  • Non-Available: The color in which the non-available hours of a machine are displayed in the Gantt.
Booked Quantity
  • Completed: The color in which the completed quantities of the machine operation are displayed in the Booked Quantities grid.
  • Rejected: The color in which the rejected quantities of the machine operation are displayed in the Booked Quantities grid.

All the settings are applied immediately. However, you must click Save Defaults to save and view the modified settings when you access the workbench next time.