Generate Machine and Labor Utilization (tisfc0260m000)

Use this session to manage machine and labor utilization data.

Field Information

Generate Utilization

If this check box is selected, you can set up and generate a general machine and labor utilization.


Specify the site for which the utilization is defined.

Production Order

Specify the production order for which the utilization is generated.

Time Frame

Specify the date and time at which the utilization applies.

Work Center

Specify the work center to which the utilization applies.

Machine Type

Specify the range of machine types to which the utilization applies.

Generate Week Data

If this check box is selected, you can generate week data for a machine and labor utilization.


Specify the site to which the week specific utilization applies.

Work Center

Specify the work center to which the week specific utilization applies.

Machine Type

Specify the range of machine types to which the week specific utilization applies.

From Week

Specify the week number or date the utilization goes into effect.

Number of Weeks

Specify the number of weeks the utilization will be in effect.