Search for Similar Items (tigrt0282m000)

Use this session to show the items that you have searched for based on:

  • Families stored in the search definition.
  • Aspect values stored with the accepted features.
  • Aspect values you changed in the modified features.

If the Re-Classify check box of an item is selected, the classification structure has been modified after the item was classified. Therefore, the classification code can be incorrect.

Before you can leave the search process, LN asks: Save search data as new search definition? If you answer Yes, LN starts the Save Search Definitions (tigrt1110s000) session. LN then asks: Change aspect values? If you answer Yes again, you can maintain the search values for the aspects. The modified values can be used again to search. If you answer No, you return to the first step in the search process.

Field Information


assembly-material issue note

