Model Operations

Use the Print Differences between Models (tgbrg1450m000)session, to print the differences between these sets of business models:

  • Two project models.
  • Two reference models.
  • A reference model and a project model.

You can compare business models from the same version or from different versions. TheChange Type heading.

These change types are available:

  • Is inserted: The model item is only found in the target version, not in the source version.
  • Is deleted: The model item is only found in the source version, not in the target version.
  • Is changed from: The model item is found in both versions, but was modified.

To print the differences between two business models:

  1. In the Version field, select a source version.
  2. In the Business Model field, select Project Models or Reference Models, depending on what you want to compare.
  3. Select the business model you want to compare.
  4. Repeat the same procedure for the target version.
  5. Click Print.
    If you select the Compare Texts check box, the repository texts and model-specific texts of the model items that occur in both business models are compared. You can compare business models from the same version or from different versions. The differences are listed in the report under the