Tax Declaration Masters (tfgld1620m100)

Use this session to view and select tax declaration masters.

Field Information

Tax Declaration Type

The type of tax declaration, which can be VAT, Withholding Income Tax, or Social Contribution.

For sales tax, the tax declaration type is VAT.

Tax Category

The tax category.

If the type of tax declaration is VAT, this field is empty.

Collection Office

The collection office.


A code identifying the tax declaration master.


A description of the tax declaration master.

Tax Country

The tax country for which you prepare the tax declaration.

By default, LN displays the country of the collection office's addres.

Generate Standing Order

If this check box is selected, LN automatically creates a standing order for the tax payment when you submit the tax declaration.

Automatic Transfer

If this check box is selected, LN can automatically submit the tax declaration.