Print Non-Finalized Transactions (tfgld1401m000)

Use this session to print non-finalized transactions.

Field Information

Selection Range
Fiscal Year

The fiscal year to which the financial transactions are linked.

Home Currency

For a single-company setup, the home currency defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

For a multicompany setup, the currency defined in the Reporting Currency Group Setup (tfgld0680m000) session.

Company Selection
Current Company

The company for which you want to print non-finalized transactions.

Reporting Currency Group

For a multicompany setup, the reporting currency group defined in the Reporting Currency Group Setup (tfgld0680m000) session.

Report Selection
Print Totals by Ledger Account

If this check box is selected, LN prints a report with the total amount for each ledger account.

Print Detailed Report

If this check box is selected, LN prints a detailed report with period information.

Print Report with Quantities

If this check box is selected, LN prints a detailed report with quantity information instead of period information.

Note: This option is only available if Print Detailed Report is selected.
Print Non-Finalized Intercompany Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints a detailed report with non-finalized intercompany transactions.

Note: This field is enabled only if Print Report with Quantities, Print Totals by Ledger Account and Print Detailed Report check boxes are cleared.

If this check box is selected, LN prints the related text.