Check Validated Taxonomy using History (tfgld1270m100)

Use this session to check the taxonomy using the history data. In a complex dimension mapping scenario, it is not possible to check all ledger account/dimension combination so checking taxonomy against a previous period is useful.

Field Information


The From and To fields define a range of: taxonomies.


The From and To fields define a range of: versions specified in the Taxonomies (tfgld1170m000) session.


The From and To fields define a range of: the status.

Allowed values


When taxonomy is defined for the first time, the status is set to “Draft”.

Validation Errors

Indicates that the blocking error occurred during validation. The errors can be viewed in the Errors and Warnings per Taxonomy session.


Indicate that the taxonomy has cleared the mandatory checks and ready to be activated. Warning messages can exists and need to be accepted, before activation of the Taxonomy.


Indicate that the taxonomy can be used for reporting, imported to FST and published using a BOD. The taxonomy now cannot be updated or deleted. If changes are required, a new version (copy) of the taxonomy is created.


Indicates that the taxonomy cannot be used.

Financial Company

The From and To fields define a range of: financial companies.

Fiscal Year

The From and To fields define a range of: fiscal years.

Fiscal Period

The From and To fields define a range of: fiscal period.

Ledger Account

The From and To fields define a range of: ledger account.