Protocol Format by Financial Company (tfgld0134m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the information that must be used in the protocol reference. The actual format of a protocol reference depends on the specified sequence of the protocol element.

Field Information

Financial Company

The financial company for which the protocol format is specified.


The order in which the protocol elements are displayed in the protocol reference.

Protocol Element

The entities or elements that the protocol reference can comprise of. The protocol elements define the information that is used in the protocol reference. This can be a protocol code, fiscal year, fiscal period, or protocol number.

Note: If you do not specify the required elements, the Errors and Warnings section in the Protocol Settings by Financial Company (tfgld0633m000) session, displays the required elements.

Allowed values

Protocol Code
Fiscal Year (2-digit)
Fiscal Year (4-digit)
Fiscal Period
Protocol Number
Not Applicable
Leading Zero

If this check box is selected, the leading zeros are in the protocol format to fill up all the positions in the protocol reference. Example: PUR0806000014

If this check box is cleared, the protocol reference have the gaps in the protocol reference. Example: PUR 8 6 14

Note: This field is unavailable if the Protocol Element is set to Protocol Code.
Number of Digits

The maximum number of digits that the protocol element can comprise of.

Note: This field is available if Protocol Element is set to Protocol Number.