Compare Budgets (tffbs1203m000)

Use this session to compare budget amount and quantities between a base budget and a comparison budget in terms of percentages and amounts. Select an amount or percentage level within which a comparison must fall.


On the Comparison Data tab, you can enter the comparison data. On the Comparison Options tab, you can specify the comparison range.

Note: You can also compare single dimensions.

Field Information

Base Budget

The base- budget year.


The base budget with which another budget is compared.

Budget for Comparison

The comparison budget's year.


The budget that is compared with the base budget.

Currency for Comparison

The currency in which the comparison amounts are expressed.

Base Budget Currency

To specify the conversion rates from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency, select this check box.

Base Budget Currency

The currency in which the base budget is expressed.

Base Budget Currency

The rate of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency.

Base Budget Currency

The rate factor of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency.

For example: 1 Comparison currency = Rate / Rate Factor of Base Budget currency.

Comparison Budget Currency

To specify the conversion rates from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency, select this check box.

Comparison Budget Curr

The currency in which the comparison budget currency is expressed.

Comparison Budget Curr

The rate of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency

Comparison Budget Curr

The rate factor of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the base budget currency.

For example: 1 Comparison currency = Rate / Rate Factor of Comparison Budget currency.

Local Currency

To specify the conversion rates from the comparison budget currency to the home currency, select this check box.

For example: 1 Comparison Currency = Rate1 / Rate Factor1 of Home Currency


Rate of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 1st home currency.

Rate Factor

The rate factor of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 1st home currency.

For example: 1 Comparison currency = Rate / rate factor of 1st home currency.

Reporting Currency 1

To specify the conversion rates from the comparison budget currency to the home currency, select this check box.

For example: 1 Comparison Currency = Rate / Rate Factor of Home Currency


Rate of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 2nd home currency.

Rate Factor

The rate factor of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 2nd home currency.

For example: 1 Comparison currency = Rate / rate factor of 2nd home currency.

Reporting Currency 2

To specify the conversion rates from the comparison budget currency to the home currency, select this check box.

For example: 1 Comparison Currency = Rate / Rate Factor of Home Currency


Rate of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 3rd home currency.

Rate Factor

The rate factor of conversion from the comparison budget currency to the 3rd home currency.

For example: 1 Comparison currency = Rate / rate factor of 3rd home currency.

By Amount

If this check box is selected, you can enter the minimum difference amount that must be taken into account. If you clear this check box all records are selected irrespective of the comparison level.

Note: If you select the By Amount check box and the By Percentage check box LN takes both the minimum difference amount and the percentage into account.
If difference greater than

If the By Amount check box is selected you can enter the minimum difference amount between the comparison budget and the base budget.

By Percentage

If this check box is selected, LN only takes the minimum difference percentage into account. If you clear this check box, all records are selected irrespective of the comparison level.

Note: If you select the By Amount check box and By Percentage check box, LN takes both the minimum difference amount and the percentage into account.
If difference greater than

If the By Percentage check box is selected you can enter the minimum difference percentage between the comparison budget and the base budget.

Year Total

If this check box is selected, the year total is printed for the selected range.

Aggregate Child Budgets

If this check box is selected, the child budgets are aggregated for the selected range.

Consider absolute differences for comparison

If this check box is selected, the absolute differences for comparison are considered for the selected range.