DAS 2 Information (tfcmg3508m000)

Use this session to view the documents retrieved for DAS 2 reporting.

If required, you can click New to create new lines and you can double-click a line to change the data in the DAS 2 Information (tfcmg3508m000) details session. For example, you can do this to correct the expense type of advance and unallocated payments. If advance and unallocated payments cover expenses of multiple expense types, you can create separate lines for each expense type and adjust the amounts.

Field Information

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year to which the data belongs.

Local Currency

The company's local home currency used for the report.

Financial Company

The financial company in which you generate the report.


The transaction type, document number, and line number of the transaction.

Document Type

Indicates the type of the payment.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The supplier to which you made the payment.

Expense Type

The expense type for the payment.

Document Date

The transaction document date.

Amount paid in Local currency

The payment amount in the local currency.