Type of Payment Defaults (tfcmg0105m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the priority sequence, based on which the Type of Payment is defaulted for the payment advice. You can specify different Priority Sequences, and the LN search in ascending order of sequence to determine a type of payment to be defaulted for the payment advice, in case the conditions are met. Each field in this session represents a condition; empty conditions are skipped.

Field Information


The priority sequence in which the LN searches for the type of payment to be defaulted for the payment advice.

Pay-to Country

The code which represents the country of the bank branch related to the pay-to business partner on the payment advice.

Note: This field is enabled only if Pay-to Country Set is not specified.

The description or name of the code.

Pay-to Country Set

The pay-to country set that includes the country of the bank branch related to the pay-to business partner on the payment advice.

Note: This field is enabled only if Pay-to Country is not specified.

The description or name of the code.

Payment Currency

The currency used to match the payment currency on the payment advice.


The description or name of the code.

Pay-to BP IBAN Filled

If the value in this file is set to 'Yes', the international bank account number of the pay-to business partner must be specified on the payment advice.

Bank Reference Filled

If the value in this file is set to 'Yes', the bank reference must be specified on the payment advice.

Payment Method

The payment method. This payment method must match with the payment method specified on the payment advice.


The description or name of the code.

Payment Reason

The reason for payment. This payment reason must match with the payment reason specified on the payment advice.


The description or name of the code.

Type of Payment

The type of payment which is defaulted to the payment advice when all the conditions are met.


The description or name of the code.