Process Cost Allocation (tfcat4210m000)

Use this session to calculate the exact cost rate.

Select the Restart Cost Allocation check box, if you changed only the termination options for the same iteration data.

After changing allocation relation data for the selected iteration data, you must clear existing iteration data. You can do this by means of the Delete Cost Allocation Results Tables (tfcat4212m000) session.

Note: You cannot iterate prices for budget year and budget period prices with a definitive budget.

Field Information


The year, for which the price iteration will be executed.

Termination Criterion

Select the criterion that must be met for terminating the iteration process.

Deviation of Rates

The value that is used to terminate the iterating process. The new calculated value of the cost rate must differ less from the previous value to terminate the process.

If this value is lower, the calculated cost surcharges/rates are more precise, but the process will also consume more cycles and time.

Restart Cost Allocation

If this check box is selected, previous iteration data is used as the basis for this iteration run.

If the iteration data was changed, new records are added and existing records will be overwritten. Consequently, all previous iteration results in the selection range will be lost.