Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents (tfacp6501m000)

Use this session to display invoices that correspond to the open entries and for the payments and other linked documents.

When you access this session from Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session, a group box Payment Document is displayed on session header. You can use this to search for an amount paid to a supplier (pay-to business partner), and LN displays the corresponding cash payment documents that sum up to this amount. Example: If multiple invoices are paid to the supplier at once, and the bank statement is managed using the ‘ Select Payments option in the Matching Results (tfcmg2500m100) session as part of the Bank Statement Workbench (tfcmg5610m100) session, you can search based on total amount paid and LN displays all related cash payment document lines and invoices.

You can also specify a Payment Date if multiple payments are handled through one cash payment document with different payment dates.

Field Information

Payment Document
Amount Paid

The amount paid to a supplier (pay-to business partner). If you enter the amount and use Search option, Infor LN displays the corresponding cash payment documents that sum up to this amount.

Note: This field is displayed only if the session is accessed from Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session.

The currency in which the amount is paid to the supplier.

Note: This field is displayed only if the session is accessed from Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session.
Payment Date

The date on which the amount is paid.

Note: This field is displayed only if the session is accessed from Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session.
Pay-to Business Partner

pay-to business partner

Original Payment Company

The company in which the transaction was created.

Original Payment Transaction Type

The transaction type of the original payment.

Original Payment Document Number

The document number of the original payment.

Original Payment Line Number

The line number of the original payment.

Payment Amount

The payment amount.


The payment currency.

Document Type

The document type of the payment.

Original Payment ID

The transaction ID:

  • For check payments and check anticipated payments, the check number.
  • For trade notes payable (TNP), the trade note number.

The values of the Original Payment Document and Payment Document fields match, unless an anticipated payment step or an advance/unallocated payment is reversed. In that case, the original payment document matches the document that is reversed.

The value of the Payment Document field matches the actual payment document, and is used to zoom to the appropriate General Ledger transactions.

Document Date

The document date, the check date, or the maturity date in case of a trade note payable (TNP).

Payment Details
Payment Line Number

The assignment line number in case of assignments and reconciliations.

Transaction Reference

The reference for the linked document in the open entries.

Payment Procedure Step

The receipt step of the payment document corresponding to the current document. Applicable only for anticipated payments, normal payments, assignments, and TNPs.

Bank Relation

The bank relation from the anticipated payment or TNP.

Invoice Details
Invoice Company

The company where the invoice was created.

Invoice Document

The transaction type, document number, and line number of the invoice document.

Document Date

The invoice date.

Schedule Number

The number of the payment schedule.

Document Type

The type of the original document, for example, Purchase Invoice, Sales Credit Note, or Standing Order.

Standing Order

If the payment document was created for a standing order, the standing order number.

Invoice Currency

The invoice currency or original document currency.

Invoice/Schedule Amount

The invoice or schedule amount.

Amount in Invoice Currency

Amount in invoice currency or original document currency.

Balance Amount in Invoice Currency

The balance amount in the invoice currency.

Invoice-from Business Partner

invoice-from business partner

Supplier's Invoice Number

The invoice number used by the business partner.

Top Parent Business Partner

The top parent business partner of the current structure. This can be the top parent business partner of the Pay-to Business Partner field.

Amount in Document Currency

The payment amount applied to the current invoice in the payment currency.


The transaction currency of the related document.

Amount in Local Currency

The amount in the local currency of the payment company.


local currency

Discount Amount in Payment Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Discount Amount in Invoice Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Discount Amount in Local Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Payment Currency

The late payment surcharge that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in IC

The late payment surcharge that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Local Currency

The late payment surcharge that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Payment Difference Amount in Payment Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Payment Difference Amount in Invoice Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Payment Difference Amount in Local Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Withholding Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Withholding Tax Amount in Invoice Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Withholding Tax Amount in Local Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.