Approve Price Differences (tfacp2539m000)

Use this session to approve price differences that exceed the tolerance limit. In case of manual matching of statement lines to purchase requisitions, if a price difference occurs and it is not within the tolerance limit, you must approve the difference.

You can approve differences that fall within the tolerances defined in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session or specifically for you in the Purchase Invoice Authorizations (tfacp0150m000) session.

Field Information

Procurement Card Number

The procurement card number against which the procurement card statement is received.

Statement Number

The statement number of the procurement card statement.

If the attribute Use Number Groups for Statements is set to Yes, the number is automatically generated using number group and series specified in the entity Procurement Card Numbers by Procurement Card Company.

Otherwise, you must manually enter the statement number.


The statement currency.

Transaction Amount

The statement amount.

Price Difference

The difference between the original invoice amount and the matched amount.


If this check box is selected, you can approve the price difference.

Matched Amount

The statement amount matched with the requisition amount.


The status of the procurement card statement.

The values are:

  • Entered
  • Matched
  • Approved
  • Invoiced