CAD to PLM - Batch Register

Batch Register is a utility to upload files in PLM, which requires no user interaction during the operation. The batch register includes an input directory that contains files to be uploaded in PLM. After clicking the Register button, the files are sent to PLM. The utility also shows the status of the operation, such as the number of files uploaded, and the number of files that could not be uploaded.

The utility supports these options:

  • Saving drawing files along with model files
  • Rebuilding configurations in parts/assembly files
  • Specifying the save operation type
  • Generating neutral files (PDF, BMP, etc.)

The Refresh Files from PLM into CAD option is available in the Infor PLM menu of the CAD connector. With this option, CAD users can view and download updates created by other users in CAD files.

Note: This option is available for Solidworks, Autocad and Inventor. It is not supported in Creo due to limitations in APIs.