Payment discounts for selected purchase invoice lines

To comply with legal requirements and best business practices in Germany, functionality has been added to exclude purchase invoice lines from payment discount calculation. A tax correction is made with the correct amount and reported to the correct tax codes if payment discounts must be subtracted upon payment of the invoice.

The Exclude from Payment Discount check box has been added to these sessions:

  • Received Tax Lines (tfacp1610m000)
  • Received Invoice Tax Lines (tfacp1112m100)
  • Invoice Tax Lines (tfacp1112m000)
  • Transactions (tfacp1102m300), for cost invoices

The field is initially hidden and only applicable if payment discount is set up in the terms of payment selected on the invoice. This payment term must have the Discount Including Tax check box selected in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000) session. Exluded lines are not considered for the payment discount calculation, nor for tax corrections if the payment discount is subtracted in the payment.