Requisition Conversion Workbench

Previously, in the Purchase Requisition Conversion Workbench (tdpur8360m000) session, you could filter only on a specific purchase office or specific buyer, or a blank purchase office or blank buyer. You could not see all requisitions across offices or buyers.

An option to show all requisitions has been added to the User Settings and the Filter option in the session. If selected, you can now see all requisitions regardless of the buyer or purchase office.


The Show all Requisitions option can affect the performance of the workbench. This depends on how many approved requisitions are available in LN for the time frame specified in the workbench.

Export to Excel

The Purchase Requisition Conversion Workbench (tdpur8360m000) now supports the export of requisition lines to Excel.

These changes have been made:

  • The Export button has been added to the toolbar with these options:
    • All: All data in the Data Grid is exported to an Excel file.
    • Selected: Only the selected row of data is exported to an Excel file.
  • Only the visible columns in the Data Grid are considered for export. Header and button columns are excluded.
  • The name of the Excel download file is tdpur8360m000.xslx.