Resource Management Workbench

These enhancements have been made to the Resource Management Workbench (tssoc8351m000):

Gantt – Set Day Hours
This new option is used to set the start and end time of the day on the gantt time scale. The gantt shows assignments within the selected Set Day Hours range and the availability of the engineer on the engineer row. This feature provides a clear overview of the time scale and removes the unnecessary times of the day.
Gantt – Display Density
The display density specified in the LN user profile preferences is now applied to the workbench. The vertical distance is controlled based on the user preference.
Gantt – Navigation Shortcuts
New shortcut keys (Shift + Left Arrow and Shift + Right Arrow) are available to move the time scale left and right.
Grid – Date Filter
This new option is used to filter grid data rows based on the selected date filter. First, the selected date filter is applied to the workbench data, which is retrieved from the backend based on the selection criteria (departments, planning horizon dates, origin statuses etc.). Next, the selected column filters are applied. The selected filter is applied to the Planned Start Time date column of the Service Order / Work Order / Planned Activity. This option is available on all the grids in the workbench and enables a planner to start the day with only the required data.
Grid – Missing Mandatory Skills
This new feature shows the planner when the mandatory skills of an engineer and activity do not match for an assignment. If the required skills do not match, the background color of the Service Engineer / Service Engineer Name cells is changed and the missing mandatory skills are shown in the tooltip of the cells.
Backlog data
This new option is used to retrieve backlog records before the selected planning horizon. The available backlog can be further filtered using a combination of the statuses Unassigned, Assigned, Accepted, and Started.
Multiple Planned Activities Conversion
This new option is used to convert multiple planned activities to service/work order activities. This feature is enabled if one engineer and multiple planned activities are selected.
Planning Factor
A planning factor for project activities is now available. This factor is an indicator of how many employees are required to execute the activity.
Activities By Serial - Columns
On the Service tab of the User Settings screen, the Activities By Serial - Columns section has been added. This section includes these columns as data rows:
  • Serial Number
  • Item
  • Item Description
  • Installation Group
  • Installation Group Description
  • Alternative Serial Number
Users can re-order a selected row by using the up and down buttons. A resource column can be included or excluded through the Include check box.
Note: Changes are applied after reopening the workbench.
Adoption of data-authorization settings
If the user of the workbench is not allowed to see specific data, then this data is not displayed in the workbench.
Custom working hours
Custom working hours, such as Holiday, Training, Weekend Duty, and Doctor can now be specified. To support this, users can now perform these tasks:
  1. On the Gantt tab of the User Settings screen, specify, modify, or delete custom working hours in the Custom Working Hours grid. Use the New, Edit, or Delete options in the grid context to do this.
  2. Select the Custom Working Hour Menu check box in the Custom Working Hours grid to add the custom working hours as options to the Custom Working Hour menu in the Gantt context menu.
  3. Select an option and run the created or modified work hour for the selected date, based on the custom work hour settings defined for that work hour.
Ship-to address in activity tooltip
Because the ship-to address can deviate from the location address, the Activity Tooltip now also shows the ship-to address information.